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How to Train Biceps With Shoulder Pain || Heal Athleatics

Writer's picture: Heal AthleaticsHeal Athleatics

Bicep Training

If you someone who likes to train his biceps with curls but when you do them you feel pain in your shoulder then I have solution for you.

Bicep Attachments to The Shoulder

Guys shoulder pain with curls is common because bicep has two tendons that attach it to bones in the shoulder. The long head of the bicep attaches to the top of the shoulder socket (glenoid), and the short head of the biceps tendon attaches to a bump on the shoulder blade called the coracoid process.

And if you have a tore labrum you get a pulling or yanking right on that area that is torn and you gonna feel some pain.

Incline Curls

So one of the worst things you can do in this case is an incline curls.

And the reason why is when you are getting in this position you put your arms behind your body into extension it’s already pulling down on that shoulder right inside on that capsule where you have injure. And even if you have rotator cuff tendinitis you will feel that pain in your shoulder. Look I like incline curls don’t get me wrong this is a great exercise if you have healthy shoulders because it targets the long head of the bicep and allows for greater range of motion but if you have problems with your shoulders avoid them.

Safer Curls for Your Shoulders

But I will tell you you can fix that pain from curls by simply changing the position of your arms and changing the exercises that will require to have your arms back behind your body to the ones that you can do by having your arms in front of your body.

And spider curl is a good exercise for that purpose

using an incline bench but facing it instead of lying on it.

And you know even a preacher curl.

Both of this exercises allow you to have your arms in front of your body.

Guys you don’t have to stop curling if you have injuries and one thing that I learned from Athlean x long time ago is that if you have injuries train around them if you will understand your own anatomy which I am learning and trying to show you what I learned you will be in the far better position in approaching your training smart and training hard in any circumstance.

I hope that you found this information helpful.

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